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  这个年末,在尚德融合部十二年级学子的翘首以待中,来自世界各地的第一批录取信纷至沓来。继康奈尔大学向DP学子殷柏圣抛出橄榄枝后,纽约大学、芝加哥艺术大学、爱丁堡大学等世界顶尖名校陆续向尚德学子发出ED/EA offer。筑梦青春,让我们一同感受榜样的力量。

  After the first offer for DP student, Joshua, SSES integrated department students proceed to receive numerous ED/EA offers from the world prestigious universities. Build a youthful dream and a mutual-learning community.

  融合部DP 12A 罗洁 Grace



  Since the 8th grade, Grace completed her four-year study in the U.S.. Due to the epidemic, she returned to China in 2020 and firmly chose SSES among many otherinternational schools in Shanghai. She has always been an independent, openminded, passionate and outstanding student representative.


  在美高学习多年后,罗洁回国后面临着重新适应教育体系、课程和交流方式的挑战。在尚德融高鼓励文化多元的包容环境中,她不仅克服了困难,而且很快适应了新环境。成功主持了第六届尚德TEDxYouth,她立刻受到师生的瞩目。在老师鼓励和指导下,她大胆与联合国关注女性独立问题的组织联系,并且创立了新社团“Girl Up SSES”,填补了尚德融高学生关注性别平等的空白,提升了学校社区的多元氛围。

  After returning to China, Grace quickly adapted to the new environment where SSES Integrated Department encourages cultural diversity. She successfully hosted the 6th SSES TEDxYouth and founded anorganization called"GirlUp", which callson students to pay attention to genderequality and bring morediversities to the school community.



  Grace consistently participated in the Model United Nations for three years and held the conference as the chairman. In SSES,she was elected as the Minister of Outreach Department of Student Union with a overwhelming number of votes and demonstrated excellent communicationskills and leadership.



  Grace also has a strong sense of social responsibility. She insisted on volunteering in nursing homes, initiated the activity of folding 1,000 paper cranes, joined the CAS group, known as “AOME”, participated in running activities for the blind and took the effort to learn sign language.

  纽约大学是罗洁一直以来的梦校,而在有了美高和本土学习经历后,她对文化和沟通产生了浓厚的兴趣,因此最终ED申请了传媒方向QS世界排名第7的Media Culture and Communication专业并成功被录取。

  New York University has always been Grace's dream school. She applied for and was successfully admitted in the Media Culture and Communication major, listed the 7thplace in the QS World University Rankings.


  融合部美加 12A 贾钰媛 Cathy



  Jia Yuyuan, a student who has received three offers from American TOP10 Academy of Fine Arts, grew up in an artistic family environment. For five years, she insisted on creating and expressing her understanding and love of the world with her own artistic language.


  乔布斯说过,成就一番伟业的唯一途径,就是热爱自己的事业。贾钰媛同学没有在繁杂的竞赛、活动中迷失方向,而是坚持自己对艺术学习的理解,利用课余时间在展览、画廊和博物馆的探索中不断发现美、感悟美,在美加学部每年艺术展的策展中进行自我突破和实践反思。“有时对一个技法的掌控不足会让我在下笔时艰难、崩溃”, 她回忆道,“但长达十年的绘画学习并没有磨灭我的兴趣,哪怕是在11年级高强度、快节奏的一年中,每周准备作品集的时光也是我生活中为数不多的放松时刻。”

  Jia Yuyuan uses her spare time to perceive beauty in exhibitions and museums. She achievedmajor breakthroughs in participating in the annual art exhibition of the Noble Academy.


  贾钰媛受擅长中国画的外公影响,喜欢上了水与墨融合的创作过程,她将这一中国画元素融入插画中,结合现代数字绘画技术,以自己的母亲为原型,制作了一本讲述中国传统女性的绘本——The Inherited.


  Influenced by her grandfather who is good at Chinese painting, Cathy incorporated Chinese painting elements into illustrations, combined with modern digital painting techniques, and compiled a drawing book about traditional Chinese women—The Inherited, whose main character based on her mother.

  "I want to use my paintbrush to tell the story of an ordinary Chinese family about'inheritance', and the story of a traditional Chinese woman."


  Cathy's creation was inspired by a Chinese book,Mother's Feather Robe. She completed an interview with her mother after, trying to understand the "feminine ideals" of the Chinese in the past, and express the complexity of family and generations, times and society.

  在专业的选择上,她也曾有过犹豫和纠结。下定决心学习插画的动力来自一次Community Service支教活动——在与自闭症儿童的互动中她发现,图画的力量有时是言语和肢体动作都不能及的。绘画是灵魂的交流,相信Cathy会用自己的艺术语言进行更多的探索和试验,帮助更多需要帮助的人。

  During the interaction with children with autism, she found that she can use artistic language to conduct more experimentation to help more people in need.


  融合部DP 12C 江来 Lynatt




  Lyanatthas been exposed to badminton since the third grade and won the Shanghai International School Sports League badminton championship. At the same time, she has a high level certificate from the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts. The long- term intensive training has given her perseverance and time management ability.


  升入10年级的暑假,江来拿到了美国布朗大学夏校的录取通知书,独自开启了一段为期三周的沉浸式学习旅程。从办理注册手续到熟悉校园和周边环境,她不仅凸显了生活能力 ,并且感受到了大学学习节奏。喜欢经商学科的她,还自主组队与同学参加了长达三个月的沃顿商赛。去年暑假,她又参加了哈佛峰会,选择了新的领域进行探究和拓展学术视野。她总是保持开放的心态,去拥抱新的可能性。

  Before entering the 10th grade, Lyanatt got the admission letter from Brown University summer school, and started a three-week immersive study. She likes business majors, therefore, took the initiative to build a team with her classmates to participate in the Wharton Business Competition and the Harvard Summit to embrace new challenges and possibilities.



  Lyanatthas a highly educated family background. Both her parents graduated from Fudan University with an MBA and entrusted the younger daughter’s education to SSES as well.


  Santa Clara University (SCU) is a private university located in Silicon Valley, which was voted as the second most beautiful campus in the United States. Next year, Lyanatt will go there to start her university life and to find new passion in the future!


  融合部美加 12D 张欣 Susan



  Zhang Xin, who got a TOEFL score of 113, is a student representative among her classmates. When she transferred from domestic department to Noble Academy, she continued to overcome language barriers and actively participated in various school activities.



  Mathematics is one of her favorite and most devoted subjects. She is diligent in thinking, constantly asking questions, and compiling the results of her learning into an article, Based on the Application of Software Engineering Technology in the Big Data Eraand successfully published it.

  着汉家衣裳 展文化之美


  Received integrated education, she has never stopped loving traditional Chinese culture, founded YaYun Hanfu (the traditional dress of the Han Chinese) Club , organized Hanfu Shows, and other influential campus activities to spread Chinese culture.



  “ 希望不是未来的东西,它是看见此刻的方式。地里的种子正在积聚和孕育,准备在春天冲破冰冷坚硬的泥土。让我们且听深泉涌流,静待RD录取结果。

  Hope is not a thing in the future but is a way of seeing the present. Let’s keep the faith, enjoy the presence and look forward to the upcoming RD offers.











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