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Hangzhou International School (HIS) is located in the High Tech Industrial Development Zone of Binjiang District in Hangzhou, China. Hangzhou is a beautiful city of over 8 million people and the metropolitan surrounding areas include over 23 million people. Hangzhou is a unique Chinese city in that it has a deep historical significance, serving as one of China’s ancient capitals and now also known as the center for technology development and advancement. It is home to the UNESCO World Heritage sites of the Grand Canal and West Lake area. It is also home to tech industry giants such as Alibaba. Surrounding the city are tea plantations, mountains, and rivers that make Hangzhou a base for many adventure seekers.


HIS was founded in 2002 by the International Schools Foundation as a non-profit, independent, day school. ISF operates four international schools: two in Shanghai (SCIS), one in Hangzhou, and one in Cape Town (AISCT). ISF is a non-profit (501 C-3) organization located in Lansing, Michigan, and operated by an appointed Board of Governors.


Approximately 700 students from over 50 nationalities attend HIS in grades Nursery through Grade 12 (Ages 2-19). The school year is comprised of 180 student contact days. The school day begins at 8:00am and ends at 3:00pm. There is a robust after school activities and sports program available after school hours.


HIS has a full 6-year term of accreditation with the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and is authorized to deliver the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (DP), Middle Years Programme (MYP) and Primary Years Programme (PYP). HIS graduates have been accepted and enrolled in top universities worldwide.


HIS has a dedicated and talented group of educators on its campus. They are a diverse team comprised of 15 nationalities, most of whom come from the USA, Canada, England, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, and, of course, China. Over 85% of faculty carry post-graduate degrees in education.












  • 专注服务6-12年级
  • 专注沪上国际学校备考
  • 专业择校建议
  • 个性化备考方案
  • 分层授权提分科学
  • 良好院校关系