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讲座时间:国际部小学:2023年11月11日 2023年12月9日 国际部中学:2023年11月11日 2024年3月16日

讲座地点:上海市青浦区赵巷业辉路 2 号

详情介绍:新一年级招生面试活动 新六年级和其他年级插班招生活动



The applications for admissions to Soong Ching Ling School International Division (SCLSID) for 2024-2025 school year are now open.

Come and learn more about the unique and valuable experience your children will enjoy studying in SCLSID.


 校园开放日    Open House


Long press the QR code to register the Open House


 新生招生活动    Admissions Activity


 招生对象     Who can Apply


All foreign and HK/Macau/Taiwan families who meet the admission criteria of the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (SHMEC)


1.  父母一方持境外有效护照并拥有在沪合法工作签证

Working parent holds a foreign passport with alien employment permit in Shanghai


2.  港澳台公民并在沪工

Family is from Hong Kong or Macau or Taiwan and working in Shanghai


3.  父母为中国公民,孩子持有效境外出生证明

Parent is a PRC passport holder but student has a foreign birth certificate


4.  持中国护照且全家均获国外永久居留权,回沪工作居住的中国公民子女,需同时持上海市教委批文

Family holds a SHMEC waiver letter


 报名方式    Application Process


STEP 1: Please prepare the application documents as listed in the Admissions Booklet



STEP 2: Visit SCLS website at scls.org.cn


第三步:选择“招生信息” → 选择您要报名的学部 → 点击报名,完成在线注册 → 登录账号,至申请清单中完成在线提交报名信息和相关报名材料

STEP 3: Admission Information → International Division → Choose the division you apply for → Create an account and submit the online application with all supporting documents in the checklist



STEP 4: You will receive the confirmation email once submitted. Please check your email box regularly for future emails.


Same application process for 2023-2024 School Year Transfer Students.

上海宋庆龄学校    About Soong Ching Ling School


Soong Ching Ling School, founded in memory of Madame Soong, comprises primary, middle, and high schools. It is an experimental and exemplary school that inherited and promoted the great educational philosophy of “Give Children the Most Valuable Things” from Madame Soong Ching Ling.



Madame Soong Ching Ling


To Give Children the Most Valuable Things.




One of the Founders of the New China;

Honorable Chairman of the country;

Establisher of the China Welfare Institute

Soong Ching Ling



SCLS, founded in 2008, comprises primary, middle, and high schools. The school currently has 1,600 students in both Domestic and International Divisions. SCLS is located in Zhaoxiang, Qingpu district, covering an area of nearly 150 acres. With a greening rate of 60 per cent, the school is renowned for its graceful environment.



SCLS has state-of-the-art facilities, including a world-class library with a collection of books in Chinese and foreign languages, the Soong Ching Ling Theatre, the Technology and Art Building, the Volleyball, Basketball and Table Tennis Hall, a Gymnastics Room, a Swimming Pool with Constant Temperature, and twenty Indoor Classrooms (used for art, drama, chorus, dance, piano, pottery, instrumental music, etc.). In addition, outdoor athletic fields, tennis courts, and football and basketball fields are provided for students, which fully meet the needs of students for individualized learning and all-round development.


  国际部    International Division


The International Division is committed to providing excellence in education for students from Grades 1to12. The philanthropic, innovative, open, and diverse learning environment enables all the students to realize their potential fully. The students are well prepared to be lifelong learners and outstanding global citizens with love.




Our recent two graduated cohorts received offers from universities around the world including the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, and South Korea. Among our students, 7% were admitted to Top 10 universities, 33% were welcomed at Top 20 universities, 60% received offers at Top 30 universities, and 70% were admitted to Top 50 universities. 

The college admission results of SCLSID are marked by their diversity and inclusiveness. Students not only received offers from reputable American research universities like Northwestern University in Qatar and New York University but also from top liberal arts colleges like Smith College, Vassar College, Davidson College, and the University of Richmond. Our students were recognized by admission officers from well-known UK universities like UCL, Canadian Universities like McGill University and University of Toronto, top Asian Universities like HKU, HKUST, and Yonsei University in South Korea, as well as University of Sydney and University of Melbourne in Australia. 

▲国际部中学师生比例 Teacher-student ratio 


▲国际部中学教师分布图 Teachers’ Demographic Data 



2022 Cognia School of Distinction



SCLSID has been officially accredited by Cognia. We are proud to have earned an Index of Education Quality (IEQ) score of 362 out of 400, well above the average range (278-283) of all Cognia Improvement Network (CIN) institutions evaluated for accreditation during the previous five years.



SCLSID was formally recognized with the 2022 Cognia School of Distinction Award. We are the only international school in China to have been granted this extraordinary honor this year!


College Board: Official AP/SAT Test Center



AP Capstone Diploma Program


SCLSID High School is authorized to offer the “AP Capstone Diploma Program” by the US-based College Board. This diploma goes beyond the demands of AP courses, helping students develop key skills that they will use over and over in college, such as research, analysis, evidence-based arguments, collaboration, writing and presenting, and has been recognized by world-top universities such as Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.



Official SAT/AP Test Center


SCLSID High School is certified as an AP and SAT Test Center by the College Board, which enables International Division students to take AP, PSAT, SAT exams on campus.



Students in SCLS have the following characteristics

●  有强烈的好奇心和求知欲,具有实践探索精神和终身学习能力

Strong curiosity and thirst for knowledge;Enthusiasm toward practical exploration and lifelong learning

●  他们理解多元文化,有同理心,具备跨文化交流沟通能力

Understanding of multiculturalism and excellent inter-cultural communication skills

●  具有强烈的社会责任感,具有国际视野,关注全球问题

Strong sense of empathy and social responsibility;Global vision and proactive focus on global issues

●  未来成长为具有全球胜任力的国际化创新人才

Innovators with global competency







