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  上海交通大学继续教育学院A Level国际课程中心是由上海交通大学指定的国际课程基地交大继续教育学院与英国官方考试局爱德思EDEXCEL(英国国家学历资格考试委员会)联合主办,是华东地区最大的爱德思。本中心引进全球金牌课程爱德思A Level国际课程。中心提供课程教学、考试与学校申请辅导等一站式服务(考试中心编号:93437)。考试成绩合格后,可获得全球认可的A Level证书。

  A Level International Curriculum Center of SJTU, SCE is hosted by School of Continuing Education (SCE) of SJTU and EDEXCEL (International British education and examination board). The center provides a one-stop service (such as the course teaching, examination and the application guidance, etc. (Center number: 93437). After the study, students can directly take the exam in the center. And the students who passed all the exams could receive the global recognized A Level Certificate.



  Help the excellent students enter the world top universities


  Help the ordinary students enter the world first class universities.



  The public maintained International-Curriculum managed by Shanghai Jiao Tong University

  Trustworthy and guaranteed studying environment


  Gathered outstanding teachers in and beyond Shanghai Jiao Tong University

  Built high-quality faculty team

  Interactive teaching in small class size


  Comprehensive attention by high-school management combined with university atmosphere enables students to adapt to overseas university life easily


  Directly associate with ex-admission officer and ex-judge, who are from overseas elite universities, such as Oxford and Cambridge, and offer counseling personally

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