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首页> 招生简章> 2023年上海康德双语实验学校高中国际融合课程(IGCSE/GCSE、A-level)招生方案


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The 2023 High School recruitment for Shanghai Concord Bilingual School is open to all students from Shanghai other provinces and international students. The school will provide integrated international courses including IGCSE and A-levels. All qualified students are welcome to apply for our school.



About SCBS High School


Shanghai Concord Bilingual School (hereafter referred to as ‘Shanghai Concord’) is the first internationalised private school in the Huangpu District. The school is recruiting students from Grades 1 to 12. SCBS High School curriculum predominantly consist of the British IGCSE and A-Level programmes.


高中部的管理和运营工作借鉴Concord College  UK的学术管理经验和升学规划指导,由执行校长直接领导,对课程教学、学生发展、社会实践、大学入学规划等实施全面的管理。高中国际课程师资主要为外籍教师,其中部分教师毕业于牛津大学、剑桥大学等世界一流名校,所有的教师均有非常良好的教育背景、较为丰富的IGCSE 及A-Level 课程教学经验,他们不仅担任学科课程的教学,还担任学院导师、教研组长、升学考试官等工作,为学生的学术发展提供保障,也精心管理学生的日常生活,带给高中学生原汁原味的英语学习体验和生活交流。

The management and operation of the High School is led by the Executive Principal. The management team also includes a vice principal, director of studies and subject heads, who implement the overall management of teaching, student development and university application. A majority of the international courses at the High School are taught by our expatriate teachers. They mainly come from the UK, having excellent educational backgrounds from world-class universities, such as Oxford and Cambridge and rich teaching experience of IGCSE and A-Level. Some of them also have teaching experiences in China’s international schools. The expatriate teachers not only teach the curriculum, but also serve as Tutors. They oversee the students’ academic development and also carefully manage their daily life, bringing English learning experiences to them.


今年我校毕业生中, 28.6%的学生获得世界排名前10的大学offer或G5大学的offer;64.3% 的学生获得世界排名前30的大学offer,全部学生获得世界排名前100的大学offer或被顶尖的艺术类大学录取。目前,康德双语的四届毕业生已包揽牛津大学、剑桥大学、帝国理工学院、伦敦政治经济学院、伦敦大学学院在内的英国G5名校录取。此外,还有许多同学获得了纽约视觉艺术学院、多伦多大学、香港大学等世界知名学府的offer。

Among our G12 cohort this academic year, a total of twenty-nine percent of our G12 students were able to secure offers from universities from the UK G5 cohort or those ranked globally within the top 10 (QS University Ranking). In addition, our entire G12 student cohort secured offers from universities ranked globally within the top 100 (QS University Ranking) or from prestigious art colleges. Since the founding of our High School in 2017, we were able to secure a strong track record for achieving academic success for our High School students over the years. These include successful enrolment onto prestigious universities including Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial College London, University College London and London School of Economics. Furthermore, those that decide to pursue specialist programmes such as Art or decide to remain in China to continue their higher education were accepted by universities including School of Visual Arts New York and the University of Hong Kong (HKU).


We warmly welcome students who aim to enter top overseas universities to join Shanghai Concord Bilingual School.



Enrolment Quota


We will have 1 class, 15 students according to our 2023 recruitment plan.



Enrolment Target and Requirements 


We seek to recruit serious-minded, well-behaved student with good academic performance, good English and strong independent learning ability, who are finishing their last year of middle school in 2023. We can also accept middle school graduates who fall into the appropriate age groups. We are recruiting students from Shanghai, other provinces and also foreign passport holders who aim to pursue further studies in foreign universities. The detailed requirements are as follows:



Shanghai students must take part in the senior high school entrance examination (Zhongkao), pass the Shanghai Concord Entrance test and meet other admission requirements of Shanghai Concord Bilingual School in 2023.



Students from other provinces must take part in the local senior high school entrance examination, provide official transcripts, pass the Shanghai Concord Entrance test and meet other admission requirements of Shanghai Concord Bilingual School in 2023.



Foreign passport holders must provide official documents for identity authentication, pass the Shanghai Concord Entrance Test and meet other admission requirements of Shanghai Concord Bilingual School in 2023.



Date of Assessment


The assessment will take place from 1st of June to 31st of July according to the time you successfully submitted your application.



Method of Assessment





Test in Maths, English and non-verbal reasoning, followed by an interview with the Executive Principal either in person. The school will make a comprehensive evaluation based on test results, interviews, and high school academic performance, etc., to determine the admission decision.

Students will receive a written acceptance letter from the school within 3 days after the interview.



Tuition Fee Standard 


Approved by the Huangpu District Price Bureau, the tuition fee for each junior high school student each term will be 90000RMB, 180000RMB for the whole academic year of 2023-2024.The final expenditure will be subject to the actual costs incurred.











  • 专注服务6-12年级
  • 专注沪上国际学校备考
  • 专业择校建议
  • 个性化备考方案
  • 分层授权提分科学
  • 良好院校关系