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上海中学国际部 | 美国计算机科学思维测评(全明星)竞赛获奖喜报

发布时间:2023-10-11 16:19:34 人气: 作者:admin 人已围观本文有578个文字,大小约为2KB,预计阅读时间2分钟

上海中学国际部 | 美国计算机科学思维测评(全明星)竞赛获奖喜报

在2023年9月刚刚发布的美国计算机科学思维测评(全明星) (ACSL ALL STAR) 竞赛结果通告中,我校学子们取得了优异的成绩。

In announcing the results of the American Computer Science League All Star Competition, which was released in September 2023, our students have achieved excellent results.


在指导教练康老师的带领和学生们的共同努力下,我校三位七年级学生(余同学、赵同学、陈同学)同时获得了个人高分奖(Top Scores)和金奖(Gold),一位七年级学生(章同学)获得金奖(Gold)。

Under the guidance of Mr. Kang, three 7th-graders from our school (Student Yu, Student Zhao, and Student Chen) achieved the Individual Top Scores award and the Individual Gold award. In addition, a 7th-grader (Student Zhang) achieved the Individual Gold award.


 介绍    美国计算机科学思维测评竞赛

美国计算机科学思维测评起源于美国硅谷,拥有40多年的历史,是美国历史悠久的中小学生计算机编程活动之一。该项目同时获得了美国国家中学校长联盟NASSP与美国计算机科学教师协会的官方认证和推荐,并获得了谷歌,Adobe, No Starch Press, O' Reilly Media, Pearson, Pragmatic Bookshelf和Wolfram等著名高科技和教育企业的支持。随着各国日益重视编程教育,每年来自美国、加拿大、欧洲、非洲和亚洲的众多中小学生都踊跃参加到该项目中。

American Computer Science League originated in Silicon Valley, with a history of more than forty years. It is one of the oldest computer coding programs for middle and primary school students in the United States. This league is approved and suggested by both the NASSP (National Association of Secondary School Principals) and the Computer Science Teachers Association. In addition, it is supported by famous technology and education companies such as Google, Adobe, No Starch Press, O' Reilly Media, Pearson, Pragmatic Bookshelf, and Wolfram. As lots of countries start to emphasize on coding education, large amounts of middle and primary school students from the USA, Canada, Europe, Africa, and Asia join and participate in this prestigious event.


美国计算机科学思维测评(全明星)的奖项设置为:全国个人奖项:个人高分奖(Top Scores)、金奖(Gold)、银奖(Silver)、铜奖(Bronze)、优胜奖(Honorable Mention);全球个人奖项:金奖(Gold)、银奖(Silver)、铜奖(Bronze);全国团队奖项:团队高分奖(Top Scores)、金奖(Gold)、银奖(Silver)、铜奖(Bronze)、优胜奖(Honorable Mention)。

The ACSL All Star awards are the following: National Individual Awards: Top Scores, Gold, Silver, Bronze, Honorable Mention. Global Individual Awards: Gold, Silver, Bronze. National Team Awards: Top Scores, Gold, Silver, Bronze, Honorable Mention.



Congratulations to the students who got the awards. We are lucky to be able to share this honor. We wish to see more students from SHSID participating in other international events while improving as time goes on.


本文标题:上海中学国际部 | 美国计算机科学思维测评(全明星)竞赛获奖喜报









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