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In the midst of the scorching summer, all things thrive. The students from the Shangde Integration Department are tirelessly engaged in various domestic and international competitions during their holidays, while also devoting themselves to research in their academic papers. They have collectively won 107 awards in national and international competitions, with dozens of  individuals participating in research on academic papers and successfully initiating 16 domestic and international research projects. Filled with enthusiasm and unwavering determination, they proudly march forward towards the future in pursuit of their dreams!





美国学术五项全能USAP(United States Academic Pentathlon)是美国权威的综合性主题学术团队竞赛,也是 USAD(United States Academic Decathlon)美国学术十项全能的姊妹赛事。USAP 在美国学术界拥有广泛的认可基础,是通往世界名校的主题通识学术挑战。尚德融合部学子斩获2个数学全球金奖,3个数学全球银奖,2个数学全球铜奖,1个科学全球银奖。


United States 

Academic Pentathlon

The USAP is a prestigious comprehensive academic team competition in the United States. USAP enjoys broad recognition in the American academic community and serves as a thematic interdisciplinary academic challenge that paves the way to renowned universities worldwide. Students from Shangde Integrated Department achieved 2 gold medals, 3 silver medals, 2 bronze medals in mathematics, as well as 1 silver medal in science.




RoboCup was proposed in 1992. It is a highly influential and professional robot competition. Its purpose is to provide a significant and challenging task for the development of artificial intelligence and intelligent robotics. It also serves as a standardized environment for dynamic confrontations, facilitating research in related fields.



约翰洛克论文竞赛(John Locke Essay Competition)是由位于英国牛津的独立教育组织John Locke Institute与牛津、普林斯顿、布朗等名校教授合作组织的学术项目。论题涉及哲学、政治、经济学、历史、心理学、神学和法律七门学科,所有论文均由牛津大学的资深学者评判,在全球范围内享有极高声誉,是一场极具含金量的人文领域写作赛事。



John Locke Essay Competition

The John Locke Essay Competition is an academic project organized by the John Locke Institute, an independent educational organization located in Oxford, UK, in cooperation with professors from prestigious universities such as Oxford, Princeton, and Brown. Topics involve seven disciplines: philosophy, politics, economics, history, psychology, theology, and law. All essays are judged by senior scholars from Oxford University. The competition enjoys a remarkably high reputation worldwide.

In the 2023 competition, Maggie Li and Amy Shen from 12A stood out from more than 19,000 contestants and entered the shortlist. 



英国皇家生物学会主办的英国生物测评(British Biology Olympiad,简称 BBO),至今已有20多年历史,是英国中学历史最长、影响最大的理科活动之一,每年英国有近万名高中生参与。尚德融合部高中斩获1个全球金奖,2个全球银奖,2个全球铜奖,1个全球优秀奖,1个全球入围奖。


British Biology Olympiad 

The British Biology Olympiad (BBO), hosted by the Royal Society of Biology, has a history of over 20 years and is one of the longest-running and most influential science events for secondary schools in the UK. Each year, nearly ten thousand high school students from the UK participate in this competition. DP Department of has achieved 1 global gold medal, 2 global silver medals, 2 global bronze medals, 1 global excellence award, and 1 global finalist award in this event.


中学生STEM大联盟 NSL

中学生STEM大联盟 (National STEM League,简称NSL) ,至今已经成功举办超过16届,是美国最具创新和深受学生热爱的STEM活动之一,是全美仅有的四个荣获美国政府表彰的项目。该项赛事自从2017年引入中国以来,已经有来自全国25所优秀中学好过500名学生参与NSL中国站的挑战活动。尚德融合部美加在2023NSL中斩获45枚奖项,其中最具含金量的中国赛30秒商业挑战荣获第一名。

National STEM League 

The National STEM League (NSL) for high school students, with over 16 successful editions to date, is one of the most innovative and beloved STEM activities in the United States. It is also one of only four projects in the United States to receive recognition from the government. Since its introduction to China in 2017, this competition has attracted over 500 students from 25 outstanding high schools across the country to participate in the NSL China Challenge.


牛津大学编程思维挑战 OUCC

牛津大学编程思维挑战赛(OUCC)是牛津大学为了激发青少年编程学习兴趣,提升青少年编程思维能力而举办的编程比赛。在英国,参赛选手需要在Bebras比赛中获得前 10% 才有机会参加 OUCC 比赛。(OUCC)与英国信息学奥林匹克(BIO)并列,成为英国编程挑战协会(UKCT)四个组成单位之一。在英国,OUCC 优秀同学将被推荐参加英国信息学奥林匹克(BIO)。尚德融合部小学在此次赛事中斩获1个全国一等奖,2个全国二等奖,2个全国三等奖。


Oxford University 

Coding Challenge (OUCC)

The Oxford University Coding Challenge (OUCC) is one of the computer science competitions organized by the Australian Mathematics Trust (AMT) in 2017 to inspire teenagers to learn programming and develop their computational thinking abilities. PYP Department won one national first prize, two national second prizes, and two national third prizes in this competition.






Shanghai  Human-Robot Cooperative Combat Competition

Shanghai Human-Robot Cooperative Combat Competition is a scientific and technological competition organized by the Pudong Institute of Education and Development in Shanghai, targeting primary and secondary school students. Its aim is to promote the comprehensive development of students' abilities and scientific learning through competitive activities. Li Zongxun, Liu Zekai, Ni Haojun, and Wang Yixuan from PYP formed a team and entered the final competition as the fourth highest score. In the finals, we staged a comeback in two consecutive matches and ultimately won the championship.





Shanghai Good Children's Book

In the 10th "Shanghai Good Children's Book" Reading Recommendation event, Cheng Bei Yue, a student from PYP, won the first prize. Among all the first prizes awarded in Shanghai, Cheng Bei Yue was one of only three winners!





During the summer vacation, students from the Integration Department of Shangde Academy immersed themselves in the ocean of knowledge, dedicating themselves to various research projects. These young individuals embarked on a journey with curiosity and perseverance, engaging in scientific research to cultivate their minds. They continuously enhanced their sense of perception, focus, and exploratory abilities, laying a solid foundation for their future academic pursuits.











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