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南京三中国际部美达菲学校走进课堂,研有所得,美达菲Shadow Week又来啦!

发布时间:2022-01-25 16:35:14 人气: 作者:admin 人已围观本文有578个文字,大小约为2KB,预计阅读时间2分钟

走进课堂,研有所得,美达菲Shadow Week又来啦!


今年我们在课程的设计和安排上,让老师们可以有更多的机会走进不同的课堂,上一期,我们认识了热情洋溢的MR. Mytinger老师,充满阳光的Sam老师,温暖的Renee老师,浪漫的Sunny老师,接下来让我们跟随更多老师的脚步,来看看还有哪些有趣的课堂呢。



Once you walked into Mr. Radford’s classroom, you’d be fascinated by the sense of tech geek: not like most other teachers who write on the whiteboard or use PPT, Mr. Radford directly connects his tablet to the projector and shows the math configuration by writing with an e-pen. This new means of demonstration not only makes the class more efficient, but also provides more flexibility in showing the key content with the help of software and presenting the progressive steps in solving complicated math problems. Thus the students are more concentrated and clearly know what’s the most important at the very point despite the fast pace of teacher. Whenever comes an in-time question to check for understanding, there’s always students can give quick response. 





Mr Jon Mytinger mainly discussed the concept of identity in the literature class. The unit focuses on how people that experience different cultures, traditions, and perspectives can find their own identity. The class starts from a very interesting point, Xinjiang, for students to delve deeper, since they are all familiar with Xinjiang as a city whereas not so familiar with the history and the dynasties that once ruled it. The class allowed students to see what was lost and gained in the process of cultural integration of a nation. 


The class is informative and thought provoking as it is the entry one to a later project when students need to work on. Students are highly engaged and willing to show their understanding. The class also integrates with the previous two texts related to the same topics, so students can compare all the text from different cultures. Students will watch a film concerning Xinjiang integration and come up with their more in-depth thinking on the topic. 


The class is well organized, fully prepared, and interesting. Students are fully engaged in the teaching.





我听了一节Mr Morrow非常棒的西班牙语课。Mr Morrow喜欢用现实生活中的例子来讲解课程,使学生更容易理解。还有他可以在教学中经常运用幽默,这使他成为一名负责有效的教师。有时,他不仅教学生教学大纲上的东西,还鼓励学生阅读与课程无关的书籍和文章,以便我们获得更多的知识。我认为他有能力与学生建立良好的关系,专业的沟通技巧,深厚的激情和对自己学科的知识,都是可以说明的。简言之,Mr Morrow能使每个学生都喜欢西班牙语。


I had an excellent experience on Mr Morrow’s Spanish class. Mr Morrow liked to explain the lessons by using real-life examples which made it easier for the students to understand. And also, Mr Morrow used to implement humour in his teaching, which made him an effective teacher. Sometimes, he not only used to teach students things which were in syllabus but also encouraged them to read books and articles which were not related to the course so that students could gain additional knowledge. I think he has a great ability to build good relationships with the students, expert communication skills,deep passion and knowledge about his subjects, are a few to state. In short, Mr Morrow can make every student like Spanish.











I had the pleasure of observing bilingual teacher’s Chemistry class. This lesson was about simple organic compounds: esters and carboxylic acids, and was very clear and easy to understand, although somewhat lacking in excitement. This brings up a question that all teachers face – whether to focus on clarity and simplicity or to add additional material that will make the material more interesting, and in some regards more complete, but also less understandable for many students.


During the lesson, I also was able to observe the behavior of the students while they learned or pretended to learn. Some students followed along and dutifully tried to the classwork. The majority of the students made only a half-hearted attempt to stay with the lesson. Perhaps the material was too easy and didn’t engage the students, but this is only a guess; maybe the students just have little interest in chemistry.


I am curious what will occur when I teach the same material. I plan on adding a bit more depth about how some of these reactions occur, but whether this gets students to pay attention remains to be seen.








I'm impressed by Mr Mytinger's Class. He is very good at imitation. Rather than analyzing artiles directly like most Chinese staff does, firstly key words are learnt. Learning goals are written on the blackboard before classes and  there are check boxes next to them. Once finished one topic, a check box is filled. The key words are deeper and deeper. Firstly maybe you use five senses to describe something. As classes went on, you learnt to find the heritage,  present and reminders. Finally it's your turn to apply it that's analyzing articles by yourself. Smart Mytinger. Kind Mytinger. Patient Mytinger. Mark pens in his pocket, exaggerated emotions , considerate, yes, that's him.







—— END ——




本文标题:南京三中国际部美达菲学校走进课堂,研有所得,美达菲Shadow Week又来啦!









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