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MEP(MacDuffie Elite Program)项目为上海美达菲团队组建的培英项目,在传承美达菲“怀中国心,做世界人”的办学理念及六大核心价值观的同时,同样以全人教育作为培养理念,以申请欧美名校作为升学目标。MEP项目在上海美达菲原有的课程体系上进一步的资源整合,打造出了一只由校长引领的教学团队,由三位校长亲自授课。

MEP (MacDuffie Elite Program) is an elite program established by Shanghai MacDuffie team. While inheriting MacDuffie 's educational philosophy of " International vision with a Chinese heart " and six core values, MacDuffie also takes holistic education as its training philosophy and aims to apply for admission to prestigious universities in Europe and the United States. The MEP project further integrates resources from the original curriculum system of Shanghai MacDuffie, creating a teaching team led by the principal and taught by three principals.


What is the appeal of a school that has abandoned a prestigious institution for an international one?


We interviewed four MEP students from Macduffie School in Shanghai to share their thoughts and experiences in school

[ 上海美达菲MEP班学生专访 ]

Interview with Shanghai Macduffie MEP class students


What courses are you taking now? What challenges and changes did it bring to you?

陈思颜 Mia


I am learning IGCSE courses, because I only need to select my route at Grade 11, and I want to choose IB as it is globally recognized. I don't have a clear goal to apply for a certain country at the moment. Secondly, IB is challenging, and I also want to challenge myself, so I want to choose IB.


Is there any good study method that can be recommended to students who want to improve their grades?

陈思颜 Mia


If you encounter some knowledge that you don't know, you can take the initiative to ask the teacher. Of course, you can also ask the teacher to explain these that you may not understand in class when you have study hall at night.


What advice would you give to students who are studying for an international school or Shanghai MacDuffie School?

陈思颜 Mia


My advice is to have a good language foundation, because when the international school arel full of English environment, and with a good language foundation, you won't lose the focus, or misunderstand in class. It will be easier to solve the problem, and improve the academic performance.



Why do you choose to study in MEP class of Shanghai MacDuffie School?

沈俸伊 Cindy


Because my family is too far from my previous school, and I was homesick, so I chose MacDuffie, which is closer to my home, I have seen MacDuffie’s introduction on other websites and the public accounts, and then found the activities are very rich, the accommodation environment is very good, and also the small-sized classes will guarantee my learning expeerience, so I choose Shanghai MacDuffie.


What courses are you taking now? What challenges and changes did it bring to you?

沈俸伊 Cindy


So far we have not chosen the route, because it will be until grade 11, and my goal is IB, because to be honest, I haven't determined which school or country I will apply for, so the IB is more inclusive, unlike A-level focusing on England. Then the IB is difficult, and I would like to face the challenge.


Is there any good study method that can be recommended to students who want to improve their grades?

沈俸伊 Cindy


My learning method is to practice more, and to practice until I am familiar with all the questions.


What are your current goals and future plans? What efforts have you made to realize your dream?

沈俸伊 Cindy


There must be a plan, that is to be enrolled to a good university, work hard, progress, and to become the pride of the family.



Why do you choose to study in MEP class of Shanghai Meduffy School?

崔瀚文 Amanda


At that time, my mother brought me here to visit. At that time, the principal said that we would have academic guidance during the study hall. I had been studying in an international school and did not have much training in this aspect and did not do many exercises, so my foundation was relatively weak. This kind of academic guidance is just right for me, so that I can ask the teacher for some knowledge points that I did not understand in class and some homework that I did not understand during the study hall.


Is there any good study method that can be recommended to students who want to improve their grades?

崔瀚文 Amanda


Actually I usually don't have that rote learning habit, and the most important is reading a book, because I have been reading a book when I was one year old, and of course, the habit is also kept until now. Because we are now in the international school, we should read more English books. This will increase the vocabulary without rote memorization, and will help us pick up grammar without even realizing it.


What advice would you give to students who are studying for an international school or Shanghai Meidafei School?

崔瀚文 Amanda


After all, it is an international school, so English is very important. Besides reading, I think it is necessary to practice oral English. For example, the kindergarten environment is very good when I was young, and almost all my classmates are from Britain or America, so my oral English is very good now. I think more conversations with foreign friends or watching some English movies and so on can help us very much.



What courses are you taking now? What challenges and changes did it bring to you?

王旭岳 Ken


I plan to choose A-level courses in the future, because first of all, I know that A-level courses are mainly for the UK, and my future goal is G5 University in the UK. I heard that A-level exams are mainly academic, so I think it will be the biggest challenge to learn some specific knowledge.


Share some club activities that have influenced you the most.

王旭岳 Ken


I currently join two clubs, which are the psychological community. Our psychology teacher is a very elegant and gentle lady, she is leading us to rehearse a psychological drama, and everyone in our club get the suitable role, and the psychodrama contains some philosophy, and let us benefit a lot.


What are your current goals and future plans? What efforts have you made to realize your dream?

王旭岳 Ken


Now I have a dream to be a diplomat serving my country in the future. I have been studying English hard since now, and I have read a lot of books about Chinese history and Party history. I hope I can come back to my country after I graduate from university and pass the examination of China Foreign Affairs University to become a qualified diplomat.


本文标题: MEP班学生专访:”为什么选择来上海美达菲学校读书?”









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