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MYP | English Language Arts – Student Works

发布时间:2022-01-24 13:43:58 人气: 作者:admin 人已围观本文有578个文字,大小约为2KB,预计阅读时间2分钟

Boston International School is proud of its high-quality English language education.
In elementary school, we have launched the Word Wizard program, a progression of reading, writing, listening, and speaking the English language.
With the solid foundation laid in the early stage of their learning experience, students enter secondary school with strong English capabilities. This gives them an extended horizon in which to explore the beauty of English language arts.
From this academic year, BIS has introduced SpringBoard English Language Arts as a syllabus for MYP. It is a vertically aligned with our English language course for Grades 6 - 10. SpringBoard’s aim is for students to build critical thinking and problem-solving skills through close observation and analysis of texts, evidence-based writing, higher-order questioning, and engaging academic conversation.
What does this mean for our students at BIS? It means that when our students enter the Diploma Program they will have read and analyzed a wide range of texts in genres including poetry, novels, plays, biographies, nonfiction narratives, speeches, and films. They will also have learnt to write in forms including essays, personal narratives, argumentative texts such as editorials, and research papers. This comprehensive exposure will ensure our students are prepared for the rigors of their final two years of high school. This curriculum aims to have students take ownership of what they learn, providing them with the skills and knowledge necessary for college and career readiness.
Grades 6 - 10 have recently completed their first units using SpringBoard. We are happy to exhibit some of their works.
Grade 6 wrote personal narratives, stories focusing on an event that has influenced their lives. Some of the students created a comic-strip to prepare themselves for the longer piece of writing.
Grade 7 honed their personal narrative skills by analyzing the works of others and writing their own, with a heavy focus on form.
Grade 8 students started off the semester by learning the steps to a "Hero's Journey Narrative." In the end, the students came up with their own original Hero's Journey Narrative where they had to focus on ideas, structure, and use of language.
excerpts from students' works 学生作品节选
Grade 9 students spent the first quarter learning all about "Telling the Details." They then had to write an original story from real or imagined experiences that included a variety of narrative techniques as well as telling details and using a well-structured sequence of events.
Grade 10 learned that all forms of texts can have claims. They analyzed cartoons, poems, and even novels in order to find a claim.
We are proud to see the excellent literature works from the students!


本文标题:MYP | English Language Arts – Student Works









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