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录取喜报 | UCL+1!爱丁堡+3!南洋理工+1!多伦多+4!上海美达菲又一波名校Offer雨来袭!

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录取喜报 | UCL+1!爱丁堡+3!南洋理工+1!多伦多+4!上海美达菲又一波名校Offer雨来袭!


Due to various factors, 2023 is destined to be an extraordinary year.



Faced with all kinds of challenges and twists and turns on the way to apply, the graduates of the class of 23 have made a lot of sweat and efforts. But they remained steadfast, overcame all the difficulties, and finally harvested today's beautiful fruits.



After the last wave of offers, the June application season is drawing to a close, and the good news of admission from Shanghai MacDuffie once again surprised everyone.




1 from University College London

( QS世界大学排名TOP8 )



University of Edinburgh 3

( QS世界大学排名TOP15 ) 



1 from Nanyang Technological University

( QS世界大学排名TOP19 )



University of Hong Kong 1

( QS世界大学排名TOP21 )



University of Toronto 4

( QS世界大学排名TOP34 )



1 from King's College London

( QS世界大学排名TOP37 )



1 from New York University

( QS世界大学排名TOP39 )



1 fromUniversity of Minnesota

( QS世界大学排名TOP67 )




/Nanyang Technological University/

南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University),简称南大、NTU ,国际商学院联合会AACSB International认证的大学,为全球科技大学联盟成员和创始校。作为新加坡的一所科研密集型大学,南洋理工大学在纳米材料、生物材料、功能性陶瓷和高分子材料等许多领域的研究享有盛名,是一所工科和商科并重的综合性大学。

Nanyang Technological University (Nanyang Technological University, abbreviated as NTU, NTU) is a member and founding school of the Global Alliance of Science and Technology Universities, a university accredited by AACSB International, an international association of business schools. As a research-intensive university in Singapore, Nanyang Technological University is renowned for its research in many fields such as nanomaterials, biomaterials, functional ceramics and polymer materials. It is a comprehensive university with equal emphasis on engineering and business studies.


It is ranked 19th in the world by QS 2023



/University College London/

伦敦大学学院(University College London,简称UCL)是英国规模最大、学科最广的公立综合性研究型大学,被誉为“G5超级精英大学”之一,是英国金三角名校、罗素大学集团成员、中英大学工程教育与研究联盟成员以及英国科学与工程南联盟(SES-6)成员。建校历史可追溯到1826年,是英格兰第三古老大学。学校优势学科集中在建筑与教育领域,学科排名世界领先。

University College London (UCL) is the largest public comprehensive research university with the most extensive disciplines in the UK, and is honored as one of the "G5 super elite universities". It is a member of the Golden Triangle, the Russell Group of Universities, the Sino-British University Engineering Education and Research Alliance and the British Science and Engineering South Alliance (SES-6). Dating back to 1826, it is the third oldest university in England. The school's dominant disciplines are concentrated in the field of architecture and education, which ranks among the world's leading disciplines.


8 in the world by QS 2023; THE world No. 22



/The University of Hong Kong/

香港大学(The University of Hong Kong),简称“港大(HKU)”,是中国香港的一所国际化公立研究型大学,有亚洲“常春藤”之称 。学校始建于1910年,是香港历史最悠久的高等教育机构。学校在经济、金融、会计、生物医学、牙医、教育学、人文学科、法学、语言学、政治学与社会科学等领域展现出较强的科研实力。

As a place where Chinese and Western cultures blend, Hong Kong is also an important direction for people to consider studying abroad. The University of Hong Kong (HKU), known as the Ivy League in Asia, is an international public research university in Hong Kong, China. Founded in 1910, it is the oldest institution of higher education in Hong Kong. The University has a strong scientific research capability in the fields of economics, finance, accounting, biomedicine, dentistry, education, humanities, law, linguistics, political science and social sciences.


In 2023, QS ranked 21st; The TIMS ranked 31st


-   2023届上海美达菲录取成果   -


So far, Shanghai MacDuffie School has offered a total of 140+ offers, including 1 from the University of Cambridge, 5 from Imperial College London, 4 from the University of Edinburgh, 5 from the University of Hong Kong, 1 from the London School of Economics and Political Science, 1 from Nanyang Technological University, 2 from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 from the University of Washington at Seattle, 7 from the University of Melbourne, 7 from the University of Toronto, Three from New York University, four from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, two from King's College London...



There are not only traditional study abroad countries in the United Kingdom and the United States, but also new hot spots such as Canada, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc., showing the solid academic foundation and comprehensive quality of the students of Shanghai MacDuffie, as well as the school's core college guidance strength.



专业升学指导   助力名校申请


Offers from famous universities are pouring in, which cannot be isolated from the scientific and efficient planning work of the guidance team. The "1V1" guidance and planning service provided by Shanghai MacDuffie aims to help each student find their own strengths and advantages, and finally successfully apply for a higher education institution that truly meets their ideal and can stimulate their inner potential.



Shanghai MacDuffie School Admission Guidance Department is under the direct management of MacDuffie School Admission Guidance Committee, which is jointly established by MacDuffie Group Admission Department, MacDuffie School Admission Guidance Department and Shanghai MacDuffie School Admission Guidance Center.


01 入学初:建立档案,长期跟踪


In order to realize the dream of every famous university, since the beginning of students' enrollment, the teachers of the college guidance team will investigate each student's intention to study abroad (including study country, university, major), and establish a personal college admission file based on it, so as to formulate a personalized college admission plan that best meets their interests and development needs.


升学指导团队的老师将从这份档案出发,帮助学生指定好中长期的学习计划,督促学生根据目标大学的申请要求完成各项任务。例如在要求时间内完成雅思/托福,SAT以及A Level的考试。“一对一”跟进学生申请的全过程。

Starting from this file, the teachers of the guidance team will help the students formulate a medium - and long-term study plan and urge the students to complete various tasks according to the application requirements of the target university. For example, complete IELTS/TOEFL, SAT and A Level tests within the required time. "One on one" follow up with students throughout the application process.


02 在校期:常态指导,分级规划


Adhering to the concept of "student-centered", the College Guidance Department not only provides students with career planning, college application and full guidance on activities in and out of school, but also adopts the class system of college teachers. Each grade has fixed career planning courses every week. Help students to explore professional interests, find and discover themselves, so that students have more opportunities to think about what I like and what I fit in.



At the same time, the school regularly invites admissions officers from well-known overseas universities to visit every month to bring the latest information to students, answer their questions in time, and let students have a deeper understanding of university life.



In order to help parents understand the application work of the school, the school will also carry out home-school exchange activities from time to time, introduce the current situation of studying abroad, application process and requirements to parents, discuss their children's future career development plan together, and help their children to match the most suitable target school.


03 申请期:全程跟进,管家服务


During the student application season, the tutor will provide nanny application guidance service throughout the whole process, helping students understand the relevant information of the target university, such as application process and specific requirements, propose revision suggestions on the documents, guide students to apply for the university, and assist students to do a good job in time and task management.





"Academic first, all-round development". With the help of personalized college guidance services, Shanghai MacDuffie School helps students successfully get offers from their ideal universities. In addition to the United Kingdom, the United States and other old student countries, also successively gained the favor of Singapore, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan and other emerging countries to study abroad.






Recent American Duffy graduates:

Nearly 10% attend Ivy League/G5 universities in the UK

Nearly 60% are enrolled in the world's TOP50 universities

100% enter the world's TOP100 universities



Only when you fully understand yourself, can you more freely explore the outside world. Shanghai MacDuffie College Entrance Guidance empowers every student, guides students to explore their own initiative in academic and career planning, and helps children realize their dreams and realize themselves.


本文标题:录取喜报 | UCL+1!爱丁堡+3!南洋理工+1!多伦多+4!上海美达菲又一波名校Offer雨来袭!









  • 专注服务6-12年级
  • 专注沪上国际学校备考
  • 专业择校建议
  • 个性化备考方案
  • 分层授权提分科学
  • 良好院校关系