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上海虹桥国际学校升学率 | 截止5月3日已有95%的录取通知来自全美排名前50的顶尖美国院校

发布时间:2023-05-10 16:50:15 人气: 作者:admin 人已围观本文有578个文字,大小约为2KB,预计阅读时间2分钟

上海虹桥国际学校升学率 | 截止5月3日已有95%的录取通知来自全美排名前50的顶尖美国院校

In recent months, the 2023 graduating class of Shanghai Hong Qiao International School (HQIS) has successively received admission offers from top universities around the world. This year has been extremely fruitfulfor our seniors as they received dozens of offers from many top-level universities:


The admission results for U.S. universities have been particularly impressive, with 97%of the admission offers coming from the top 50 U.S. universities ranked by U.S. News, including Vanderbilt University, ranked 13th in the United States and a member of the "New Ivy League"; Emory University, ranked 22nd in the United States; and the University of Southern California, ranked 25th in the United States. For liberal arts colleges in the United States, we received admission offers from 100% of the top 50 liberal arts colleges. Notable achievements were also made in the Asian direction, as we received an admission offer from Tsinghua University, which is ranked 14 in QS World University Rankings.

美国方向的录取成果尤为亮眼,本届毕业生95%的录取通知来自全美排名前50的顶尖美国院校(根据2023U.S. News全美大学排名),包括“新常春藤”院校范德堡大学(排名十三)、埃默里大学(排名二十二)、南加利福尼亚大学(排名二十五)等。美国文理学院方面,本届获得了100%全美前50的文理学院录取通知。亚洲方向也取得了显著成绩,我们收获了全球大学排名14的清华大学。


It is worth mentioning that this year's HQIS graduates received acceptance offers from 11 of the top 50 computer science programs in the United States (according to 2023U.S. News Computer Science Programs ). They include Georgia Institute of Technology (No. 5), the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (No. 5), the University of Washington (No. 9), and the University of Wisconsin-Madison (No. 16).

值得一提的是,今年HQIS毕业生共获得11所全美Top50顶尖大学计算机科学专业(根据2023U.S. News全美计算机专业排名)录取通知书。这些院校包括:佐治亚理工学院(排名第五)、伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(排名第五)、华盛顿大学(排名第九)、威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校(排名第十六)等。


This outstanding achievement highlights the solid foundation and international recognition of HQIS's AI programming courses. Our students start learning to write coding commands, debug, and decrypt code lines as early as the age of 9. The value of this course lies mainly in cultivating children's logical thinking and problem-solving abilities, as well as training their patience. In the future, HQIS will continue to enhance its investment in AI programming courses, helping more students step into the world's top universities.



In addition to outstanding performances in traditional academic fields, HQIS graduates have also demonstrated exceptional talent in the arts. World-renowned art institutions, such as the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and the School of Visual Arts (SVA) in New York, have extended admission notices to them.



HQIS provides students with a rich and diverse curriculum, as well as high-quality teaching staff, helping them excel in their respective fields and achieve their dreams. The school is committed to cultivating future leaders with international perspectives and innovative spirits, enabling them to take firm steps globally. HQIS's Class of 2023 is a diverse and globally-minded student body, which is reflected in the wide range of majors they have chosen.



本文标题:上海虹桥国际学校升学率 | 截止5月3日已有95%的录取通知来自全美排名前50的顶尖美国院校









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