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01 About Us 关于我校

HQIS is one of the first IB schools in China authorized to teach the Primary Years Programme (PYP). Our history begins in 1997 at Shanghai Zoo as a kindergarten. Since then, our student population has steadily increased, and now we provide 15 fully articulated grade levels of high-quality international education from Nursery to High School. In 2015 HQIS moved to its new green and renewable campus in Gubei Area. We are committed to offering a student-centered education that prepares students for higher learning and life beyond the walls of the classroom, taking pride in our Green and Sustainable ethos and offering a curriculum that promotes lifelong learning.



02 Our Curriculum 课程介绍

We offer a holistic, inquiry-based, transdisciplinary curriculum that gives students the opportunity to achieve the highest academic success. For Lower School, we implemented the Emergent Curriculum (Nursery) and the IB PYP Curriculum (Preschool – G5). For Middle and High School students we implemented American Curriculum Standards based on Common Core, with a selection of 18 AP Courses for better college preparation. Our curriculum integrates a solid Mandarin program, AI Coding, Singapore Math, Project-Based Learning (PBL), and more than 50 extracurricular activities, including the HQIS House System, school societies and committees.

我们提供一个全面的,以探究为基础的跨学科的课程,让学生获取最佳的学习体验。在幼儿部和小学部,我们采用萌发课程(托班)和 IB -PYP课程(幼儿园小班- 小学五年级 )。对于初中和高中的学生,我们采用基于Common Core的美国课程标准,同时在高中阶段提供 18 门 AP 课程供学生选修,以更好地为大学升学做准备。我们的课程还包含中文课程,AI编程,新加坡数学,项目式学习等特色内容,还有超过50多种拓展课程丰富学生的学习生活。

Emergent Curriculum


For students from 18 months to 2 years of age, the school offers an Emergent Curriculum that builds social skills, large and small motor skills.

针对 18 个月至 2 岁的幼儿: 学校提供 Emergent Curriculum 课程学习

At HQIS we use an Emergent Curriculum in our Nursery Program. Classrooms are designed to be "the third teacher", creating an environment that allows students to explore, inquire and problem-solve. The Emergent Curriculum is playful, flexible and open-ended, and continues to evolve as children and teachers learn and work in it.


IB-PYP Programmme


针对3-12岁学生: 学校提供IB-PYP(Primary Years Programme)课程。

The PYP transdisciplinary framework focuses on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, both at school and beyond. HQIS develops students’ academic, social and emotional wellbeing, focusing on international-mindedness and strong personal value. The PYP nurtures independent learning skills, encouraging every student to take responsibility for their learning.


At HQIS, the core teaching methodology for math is the world-renowned Singapore Math, a highly effective teaching approach that instills deep understanding of mathematical concepts based on the C-P-A (Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract) method.

Students will be taught skills such as mental computation, heuristic strategies, and modeling. Through guided inquiry, students are encouraged to persevere in problem-solving, which in turn builds confidence and fosters interest in Mathematics.





In our Middle School and High School we offer a holistic program based on American curriculum standards, with additional opportunities for students to take Advanced Placement exams. In addition, our program has a focus on inquiry-based instruction, which aims to connect student learning to real-world, global, and multicultural issues related to the different disciplines.

针对初高中部学生: 我校课程依托美国课程标准的综合课程,为学生提供参加美国大学预修课程(AP)考试的机会。此外,教学团队着力打造探究式教学,旨在让学生在探究的过程中融入生活,联结世界,引入多元文化问题,提升学生的思辨能力。

Through inquiry instruction, project-based learning and student-centered school culture, HQIS Upper School students are well-prepared for stepping into top universities around the world.


03 Features 特色课程

Our unique curriculum provides students with plenty of opportunities to make new experiences, cultivate their talents and skills, showcase their abilities with a positive and energetic mindset.


■ AI-Coding: Learning The Future


At HQIS, coding lessons are part of our daily schedules, and students start to learn to write coding commands, debug and decrypt lines of code starting from 9 years of age. The Coding program at HQIS allows our student to strengthen their logical thinking and problem-solving skills, developing core traits such as patience and perseverance.


Genius Hours 天才时刻

Each semester, the school will offer more than ten different types of additional courses for students to choose. This is an opportunity students have to learn and grow following their own interests and ambitions.


■ PBL project-based learning 项目式学习

The HQIS Project-based Learning (PBL) is a student-centered method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging, and complex question, problem, or challenge. It allows a student to demonstrate his or her capabilities while working independently, and it shows the student's ability to apply desired skills in real life such as doing research.


04 World-class Educators


At HQIS we choose the best educators. Our teachers have extensive teaching experience and graduated from world-renowned universities such as Oxford University, King's College London, University of Pennsylvania, Columbia University, Harvard University, Tsinghua University and other prestigious insitutions. The multicultural background of our school faculty provides our students with the best of Western and Asian education.


05 Dynamic environment plenty of challenge opportunities


At HQIS we value our children’s dreams and aspirations, and we provide students with a wide selection of campus activities, such as debate competitions, art exhibitions, student gatherings, performances, and much more, so that students can display their talents in both academic and non-academic areas. Each year, the school also gives students the chance to participate in various science competitions to help students expand their perspectives and stimulate their learning potential.


06 University Acceptance


Our hope is that each student can get admitted to the college they want to go to, and we actively guide them through this delicate phase of their lives. Our top-level College Counseling department has a team of highly qualified teachers and educators from prestigious universities. Their extensive experience with admission processes will help and support our senior students during the pivotal stage of the college application.


We have a big amount of offers from prestigious universities this year. These offers include Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Sydney University (Top 40 Global); The Royal College of Music (Top 3 Music College in the world); New York University – Shanghai Campus, Penn State University, University of California Irvine, Northeastern University and many more. One of our students also received a scholarship offer from Oberlin College and Lafayette college, two of the best liberal arts colleges in the United States. They also received offers from Yonsei University, Top 3 university in South Korea.

在升学方面,我校上届毕业生们“战绩”不俗,收获多份来自世界顶尖院校录取通知书,包括QS世界排名Top 40的香港科技大学和悉尼大学;世界排名Top 3的顶尖音乐学府英国皇家音乐学院;全美排名Top 10的顶级学府纽约大学上海校区,全美Top 50的宾州州立大学,加州大学尔湾分校,东北大学等;全美Top50文理学院欧柏林学院和拉斐特学院的奖学金录取,还有韩国排名Top3的延世大学。











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