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新航道2017/7/13 16:40:54

  Congratulations to the FDIS Model United Nations delegation for successfully participating in the Harvard MUN China conference, which was held in Beijing on March 16 - 19. The HMUN conference is one of China’s most important high school extra curricular events. 1,200 students from 80 schools around the world prepared and training for months to make this one of the most successful MUN conferences I have ever attended.

  the Harvard MUN China conference

  This year our students, referred to as delegates, were assigned to represent the country of Austria. Delegates participated in simulated United Nations committees such as Disarmament and International Security, World Trade Organization, World Health Organization, Historical Security Council, Special Political and Decolonization, and Global Compact which focuses on Corporate Social Responsibility.

  FDIS students at the conference

  Currently, FDIS is developing a summer program that will train and prepare students to participate in the prestigious Yale MUN conference, which will be held in Shanghai at the end of August 2017.

  See you in this summer

  The MUN program strives to promote collaborative learning, student leadership, improve debate, public speaking and negotiation skills, while modeling these ideals and realities within the context of the United Nations.

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